Choosing a preschool is one of the most important decisions in your child’s life. It is a time of emotional and academic onset of challenges. Your child will discover the joy of learning, and that it is only at their fingertips if they wish to pursuit it. Here you will find important information to guide you through the many questions, we know you may have.

3 Year old
Motor Development
- Walks almost like an adult
- Is aware of obstacles around him/her
- Is able to catch and throw over head balls
- Loves to climb ladders and does it well
- Rides a tricycle
- Loves simple puzzles
- Enjoys playing with clay and finger paint
- It is capable of copying very simple stages
- Stacks small amount of blocks
Language and Thinking Skills
- It makes himself understood most of the time
- It can match a picture to an object
- Explores his world through the senses begin to understand basic concept of time related to specific actions “you will play after you eat lunch”
- Begins to understand action and reaction
Social and Emotional Development
- Follow two or three simple directions, loves to do things around the house
- Seeks help
- Does not like to share a lot but enjoys children
- Is able to choose things he likes
- Knows when people around him are happy or sad
4 Year old
Motor Development
- Gallops and one foot hops become daily events
- Turns and stops when running
- Can easily catch, throw, and bounce a ball
- He can do the basic hygiene for himself such as brushing teeth and dressing
- Writes some letters
- Can feed him or herself
- Is able to use scissors
Language and Thinking Skills
- Uses a 1,500-word vocabulary; speaks in relative complex sentences (“I want ice cream for dessert”)
- Understand words that relate one idea to another-if, why, when
- Loves to learn exploring the five senses
- Knows when most stories are real or make believe
- Understand some number concepts like more, less, etc
- Sees and remembers exactly the way things are and happen
- Begins to understand that numerals and letters represent something
- Begin to understand now, tomorrow and yesterday
Social and Emotional Development
- Follow two or three simple directions, loves to do things around the house
- Seeks help
- Does not like to share a lot but enjoys children
- Is able to choose things he likes
- Knows when people around him are happy or sad
5 Year old
Motor Development
- Laces (but cannot tie) shoes
- Gasps pencil like an adult
- Colors within lines
- Cuts and pastes simple shapes
- Walks on tippy toes
Language and Thinking Skills
- Speaks fluently uses proper grammar when speaking
- Loves books
- Understand opposites
- Still confuses fantasy and reality at times
Social and Emotional Development
- Understand when he or she has done something wrong
- Plays make-believe and dresses up
- Loves praise
- Makes good friends
- Likes to be part of the group
For additional information on language development in children, please visit the following sites:
Child Development Institute Language Development in Children